Sincerely Capri's Signature Bouquet Locket is the perfect wedding gift. A bouquet addition making the walk down the aisle even more meaningful, Sincerely Capri's locket features a magnetic closure for you to easily slide open to add in your own photo as well as a pearl pin that can be pinned directly onto a bouquet. Personalize with any photo or trinket that holds stories from the past of real people to make it extra thoughtful and meaningful.
This locket can be worn beyond the wedding day, easily making it into an everyday locket necklace so cherished memories can be carried always.
values & communities
Ethically Made|Not on Amazon|Not on Faire|#AsianGirlMagic
founder story
Stephanie and Reeseβs small business is a labor of love. It all started when the duo both experienced the all too familiar, what to get your best friend of 15+ years on the most important day of their life, their wedding.
Inspired, Stephanie and Reese set out to create a brand that would empower those looking for a truly meaningful gift, especially for one of lifeβs most important milestones.
The pair founded Sincerely Capri, a line of beautiful, modernized lockets with a vintage feel.
Champagne: (1) 14K Gold Plating (2) Swarovski Crystals (3) 27.5MM Diameter (4) Lobster Clasp (5) Magnetic Closure (6) Pin & Gift Box Included
Silver: (1) Silver Plating (2) Swarovski Crystals (3) 27.5MM Diameter (4) Lobster Clasp (5) Pin & Gift Box Included
Blush: (1) 14K Rose Gold Plating (2) Swarovski Crystals (3) 27.5MM Diameter (4) Lobster Clasp (5) Pin & Gift Box Included